Results for 'J. B. VanGeest'

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  1.  23
    Falling into Line: The Impact of Utilization Review Hassles on Physicians’ Adherence to Insurance Contracts.S. J. Weiner, J. B. VanGeest, M. K. Wynia, D. S. Cummins & I. B. Wilson - 2004 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 15 (2):139-148.
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    Fascism after the end of history: An introduction.R. J. B. Bosworth - 1999 - The European Legacy 4 (1):1-7.
  3.  18
    Value of wrong responses in inductive reasoning.J. J. B. Morgan - 1945 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 35 (2):141.
  4. Laurence M. beynam.John Herschel & J. B. S. Haldane - 1977 - In John W. White & Stanley Krippner, Future Science. Doubleday/Anchor.
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    Subjective experience and the attentional lapse: Task engagement and disengagement during sustained attention.J. Smallwood, J. B. Davies, D. Heim, F. Finnigan, M. Sudberry & Obonsawin M. O'Connor R. - 2004 - Consciousness and Cognition 13 (4):657-90.
    Three experiments investigated the relationship between subjective experience and attentional lapses during sustained attention. These experiments employed two measures of subjective experience to examine how differences in awareness correspond to variations in both task performance and psycho-physiological measures . This series of experiments examine these phenomena during the Sustained Attention to Response Task . The results suggest we can dissociate between two components of subjective experience during sustained attention: task unrelated thought which corresponds to an absent minded disengagement from the (...)
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    The science of nonphysical nature.J. B. Rhine - 1954 - Journal of Philosophy 51 (25):801-810.
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  7. The birth day of Venus: Pico as platonic exegete in the Commento and the Heptaplus.Michael J. B. Allen - 2007 - In M. V. Dougherty, Pico Della Mirandola: New Essays. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Plato's third eye: studies in Marsilio Ficino's metaphysics and its sources.Michael J. B. Allen - 1995 - Brookfield, Vt.: Variorum.
    Marsilio Ficino (1433-1499) was one of the luminaries of the Florentine Renaissance and the scholar responsible for the revival of Platonism. The translator and interpreter of the works of both Plato and Plotinus as well as of various Hermetic and Neoplatonic texts, Ficino was also a musician, priest, magus and psychotherapist, an original philosopher and the author of a vast and important correspondence with the intellectual figures of his day including Lorenzo the Magnificent. Professor Allen has become the foremost interpreter (...)
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  9. Current Population Survey June 1990: fertility birth expectations and marital history [MRDF].J. P. Ntozi, J. B. Kabera, J. Mukiza-Gapere, J. Ssekamate-Sebuliba, J. Kamateeka, N. E. Johnson, K. T. Zhang, K. E. Kiernan, M. A. Richard & F. Rajulton - 1991 - Journal of Biosocial Science 23 (4):499-505.
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    The Essential Grammar SchoolSecondary ModernComprehensive Education: A New Approach.J. J. B. Dempster, H. A. Ree, Harold Loukes & Robin Pedley - 1957 - British Journal of Educational Studies 5 (2):170.
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    Recursive isomorphism types of recursive Boolean algebras.J. B. Remmel - 1981 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 46 (3):572-594.
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  12. The Microscopic Photographs of JB Dancer.B. Bracegirdle, J. B. McCormick & G. L'E. Turner - 1995 - Annals of Science 52 (2):201-201.
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    Alfred North Whitehead: The Man and His Work, Volume II: 1910-1947.Victor Lowe & J. B. Schneewind (eds.) - 1990 - The Johns Hopkins University Press.
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    On the Idea of Phenomenology, by Philip Petit.J. B. O'Malley - 1971 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 2 (1):94-95.
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  15. Marsilio Ficino: The Philebus Commentary.Michael J. B. Allen - 1978 - Critica 10 (28):148-153.
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  16. Reversible Destiny: Mafia, Antimafia and the Struggle for Palermo. By Jane C. Schneider and Peter T. Schneider.R. J. B. Bosworth - 2004 - The European Legacy 9 (5):668-668.
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  17. Philosophia Chirurgi.Hedley J. B. Atkins - 1973 - [Glasgow]University of Glasgow Press.
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    Congruence Lattices of Semilattices with Operators.Jennifer Hyndman, J. B. Nation & Joy Nishida - 2016 - Studia Logica 104 (2):305-316.
    The duality between congruence lattices of semilattices, and algebraic subsets of an algebraic lattice, is extended to include semilattices with operators. For a set G of operators on a semilattice S, we have \ \cong^{d} {{\rm S}_{p}}}\), where L is the ideal lattice of S, and H is a corresponding set of adjoint maps on L. This duality is used to find some representations of lattices as congruence lattices of semilattices with operators. It is also shown that these congruence lattices (...)
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  19. Predicate Exchangeability and Language Invariance in Pure Inductive Logic.M. S. Kliess & J. B. Paris - 2014 - Logique Et Analyse 57 (228):513-540.
    In Pure Inductive Logic, the rational principle of Predicate Exchangeability states that permuting the predicates in a given language L and replacing each occurrence of a predicate in an L-sentence phi according to this permutation should not change our belief in the truth of phi. In this paper we study when a prior probability function w on a purely unary language L satisfying Predicate Exchangeability also satisfies the principle of Unary Language Invariance.
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  20. Víra a věda.J. B. Kozák - 1926 - Chicago: Nákl. Českobratrského vydavatelského družstva.
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  21.  46
    The multifaceted structure of nursing: an Aristotelian analysis.Beverly J. B. Whelton - 2002 - Nursing Philosophy 3 (3):193-204.
    A careful reading of Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics focusing on his treatment of politics reveals a multifaceted discipline with political science, legislation, practice and ethics. These aspects of the discipline bear clear resemblance to the multiple conceptions of nursing. The potential that nursing is a multifaceted discipline, with nursing science as just one facet challenges the author's own conception of nursing as a practical science. Aristotle's discussion would seem to argue that nursing science is nursing, but nursing is more. Nursing is (...)
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  22.  57
    Graph colorings and recursively bounded Π10-classes.J. B. Remmel - 1986 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 32:185-194.
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    The emotional responses: changes of heart-rate in a gun-shy dog.J. B. Beebe-Center & S. S. Stevens - 1938 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 23 (3):239.
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    Optical transitions fromdcore states in amorphous selenium, arsenic and arsenic triselenide.J. Bordas & J. B. West - 1976 - Philosophical Magazine 34 (4):501-505.
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  25. Marihuana: health hazards and medical benefits.L. Grinspoon & J. B. Bakalar - 1978 - In John Paul Brady & Harlow Keith Hammond Brodie, Controversy in psychiatry. Philadelphia: Saunders. pp. 881--904.
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  26. Principles of Remembering and Forgetting.E. Howarth & J. B. Paris - 2014 - Logique Et Analyse 57 (228):489-511.
    We propose two principles of inductive reasoning related to how observed information is handled by conditioning, and justify why they may be said to represent aspects of rational reasoning. A partial classification is given of the probability functions which satisfy these principles.
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  27. The Finite Values Property.E. Howarth & J. B. Paris - 2016 - In Beierle C., Brewka C. & Thimm M., Computational Models of Rationality, Essays Dedicated to Gabriele Kern-Isberner on the Occasion of her 60th Birthday. College Publications. pp. 316-331.
    We argue that the simplicity condition on a probability function on sentences of a predicate language L that it takes only finitely many values on the sentences of any finite sublanguage of L can be viewed as rational. We then go on to investigate consequences of this condition, linking it to the model theoretic notion of quantifier elimination.
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    On the lattices of NP-subspaces of a polynomial time vector space over a finite field.Anil Nerode & J. B. Remmel - 1996 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 81 (1-3):125-170.
    In this paper, we study the lower semilattice of NP-subspaces of both the standard polynomial time representation and the tally polynomial time representation of a countably infinite dimensional vector space V∞ over a finite field F. We show that for both the standard and tally representation of V∞, there exists polynomial time subspaces U and W such that U + V is not recursive. We also study the NP analogues of simple and maximal subspaces. We show that the existence of (...)
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    Maximal and cohesive vector spaces.J. B. Remmel - 1977 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 42 (3):400-418.
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    Human nature: a foundation for palliative care.Beverly J. B. Whelton - 2008 - Nursing Philosophy 9 (2):77-88.
    The Aristotelian‐Thomist philosopher holds that human intellectual knowledge is possible because of the order in the world and natural human capacities. It is the position of this paper that there is a shared human form or nature that unites all humanity as members of the same kind. Moral treatment is due to every human being because they are human, and is not based upon expression of abilities. Humans have substantial dynamic existence in the world, an existence which overflows in expressive (...)
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  31. Reply to Hugh G. Petrie.C. J. B. Macmillan - 1972 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 7 (4):321.
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    Energy of helium dissolved in metals.J. E. Inglesfield & J. B. Pendry - 1976 - Philosophical Magazine 34 (2):205-215.
  33.  23
    Lavoisier's Early Career in Science: An Examination of Some New Evidence.J. B. Gough - 1968 - British Journal for the History of Science 4 (1):52-57.
    Shortly before his death in 1934, the British historian of chemistry, A. N. Meldrum, published two lengthy articles on Lavoisier's early career in science. After a careful investigation of the collection of manuscripts at the Académie des Sciences in Paris and in light of a detailed and penetrating analysis of Lavoisier's published work, Meldrum concluded that as a youth, Lavoisier was concerned with chemistry only to the extent that he found it useful for his mineralogical and geological researches. Lavoisier began (...)
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    R-maximal Boolean algebras.J. B. Remmel - 1979 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 44 (4):533-548.
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    Magic in the XII Tables revisited.J. B. Rives - 2002 - Classical Quarterly 52 (1):270-290.
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    Nursing Ethics and Professional Responsibility in Advanced PracticePamela J.Grace PhD, MSN, RNBurlington, Massachusetts: Jones and Bartlett Learning, 2018. 3rd edition, 447 pages, including glossary and index. $72.92 soft cover. ISBN 9781284107333. [REVIEW]Beverly J. B. Whelton - 2018 - Nursing Philosophy 19 (2):e12207.
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    Portraits of American Philosophy.Nicholas Wolterstorff, J. B. Schneewind, Judith Jarvis Thomson, Ruth Barcan Marcus, Richard J. Bernstein & Harry Frankfurt - 2013 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    In Portraits of American Philosophy, eight of America's most prominent philosophers offer autobiographical narratives that remind us that the life of a scholar is both a tale of personal struggle and an adventure in ideas.
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    Proof theory and computer programming.Ruy J. B. de Queiroz & Thomas Maibaum - 1990 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 36 (5):389-414.
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    Co-hypersimple structures.J. B. Remmel - 1976 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 41 (3):611-625.
  40.  44
    There's CULTURE and “culture”.P. J. B. Slater - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (2):356-357.
    While cetaceans clearly show social learning in a wide variety of contexts, to label this as hides more than it reveals: we need a taxonomy of culture to tease apart the differences rather than hiding them in a catch-all category.
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    The nature and nurture of birdsong.P. J. B. Slater - 1988 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 11 (4):648-649.
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    Choix d'Inscriptions de Palmyre.Charles C. Torrey & J. B. Chabot - 1923 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 43:141.
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    Facets and anomalous solute distributions in indium-antimonide crystals.K. F. Hulme & J. B. Mullin - 1959 - Philosophical Magazine 4 (47):1286-1288.
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  44. How people interpret an uncertain If.A. J. B. Fugard, Niki Pfeifer, B. Mayerhofer & G. D. Kleiter - 2009 - In T. Kroupa & J. Vejnarova, Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing. pp. 80-91.
    Conditionals are central to inference. Before people can draw inferences about a natural language conditional, they must interpret its meaning. We investigated interpretation of uncertain conditionals using a probabilistic truth table task, focussing on (i) conditional event, (ii) material conditional, and (iii) conjunction interpretations. The order of object (shape) and feature (color) in each conditional's antecedent and consequent was varied between participants. The conditional event was the dominant interpretation, followed by conjunction, and took longer to process than conjunction (mean di (...)
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    Perfection de la philosophie ou philosophe parfait?J. -B. Brenet - 2001 - Recherches de Theologie Et Philosophie Medievales 68 (2):310-348.
    L’article examine la reprise que le « prince des Averroïstes » Jean de Jandun fait de cette phrase délicate d’Averroès, tirée de son Grand Commentaire du De anima d’Aristote : « forte igitur philosophia invenitur in maiori parte subiecti in omni tempore ». On cherche à montrer par l’analyse des textes que l’interprétation du maître ès arts s’écarte radicalement de la pensée du Cordouan qu’il prétend suivre. Tandis qu’Averroès suppose l’existence continue d’au moins un philosophe dans le monde, Jean de (...)
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  46. Recursion theory on orderings. II.J. B. Remmel - 1980 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 45 (2):317-333.
  47. Context, conditioning, and meaning of time-consciousness in a trappist monastery.V. A. Reidhead & J. B. Wolford - 1998 - In Stuart R. Hameroff, Alfred W. Kaszniak & Alwyn Scott, Toward a Science of Consciousness II: The Second Tucson Discussions and Debates. MIT Press.
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  48. Word Classes.A. J. B. N. Reichling, E. M. Uhlenbeck & W. Sidney Allen - 1970 - Foundations of Language 6 (1):138-143.
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    Greek and Roman Art Hansjörg Bloesch: Antike Kunst in der Schweiz. Pp. 228, 79 plates, 17 figs. Erlenbach-Zürich: Rentsch, 1943. Cloth, 28 Sw. fr. [REVIEW]A. J. B. Wace - 1948 - The Classical Review 62 (01):37-38.
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    Who were the Greeks? Who were the Greeks? (Sather Classical Lectures, Vol. VI.) BY John Linton Myres. Pp. xxviii + 634; 21 figures in text. University of California Press, Berkeley, California (and Cambridge University Press). 1930. Cloth, 30s. [REVIEW]A. J. B. Wace - 1931 - The Classical Review 45 (04):128-130.
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